Today I experienced a broken heart.
It wasn't anything from a loved one. It wasn't anything personal.
I feel strangely moved in a way I never thought possible.
Mercy & Compassion
Those are my words for Lent 2018. It's kind of funny because when I shared my excitement over looking at Lent through the lens of mercy & compassion that Jesus showed to us with my oldest daughter she had an interesting reply. "So momma are you adding your name to the list you plan to show more mercy & compassion to?" I'm not necessarily strong in the area of self compassion, I tend to carry an unnecessary amount of feeling responsible for things not my fault and feeling like I don't do enough for those I love. My compassion for others generally flows freely from my heart and I thought I did pretty good until I went to the Bentonville Homeless gathering and then heard the Ash Wednesday service offered by Rev. Eric Meyer at FUMC. Both had a similar tone about seeing others from the panhandler at your exit, the lady who is your waitress at your favorite spot, or other regular service provider. Seeing them, acknowledging their existence, a warm smile, a kind one expects you to solve their problems, simply show them the same mercy and compassion that Jesus through his actions and stories strived to teach us!Today I had a rare opportunity. I accompanied someone on a visit to the OU Medical Center Campus in Oklahoma City. Specifically the third floor of the G. Rainey Williams Pavillion-this is the area dedicated to psychiatry and behavioral sciences for children and adults. We walked through the heavy door and I immediately felt very uneasy, I felt like I had stepped into a movie

I quickly realized that I couldn't hold my head up and look at the people coming in, I was afraid I was going to

Last week I shared with you about kids needing compassion and how much my Wednesday night girls are on my heart for the burdens they carry and the struggles they face. My heart wept today with seeing so many children with struggles as part of their lives. I beg of you-our children need mercy, they need compassion-desperately! Where you have children in your life smile at them, be patient with them and see them. If you can volunteer with kids in your community, please do. There are so many opportunities: 4-H, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Boys & Girls Club, little league, schools, churches, the list goes on and on. Reach out and strive to be the spark that ignites a flame. You might just make a difference in a life and prevent....darkness. God has a plan for every life, he desires nothing more than each and every life to be filled with joy and happiness-light.
As a community, let's work together for mental health changes so people whose worlds fall apart can have better things fall together!
“Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together.” ~Marilyn Monroe